Thursday, December 30, 2010

SEC Filings: Forms You Need to Know

Should Ben Bernanke start holding press conferences?


The S&P 500 has gained 12.8 percent for the year, and is up nearly 7 percent for the month of December. This is the best December since 1991, when it was up 11.2 percent. The Dow, up 11 percent for the year and 5.1 percent for the month, is having its best December since 2003, and the Nasdaq, up 6.6 percent this month is seeing its best December since 1999.
The Nasdaq is up 17.4 percent for the year. The Russell 2000 is up 26 percent in 2010, its best year since 2003.

Peter Schiff: Home Prices To Fall Another 20%